5 ways to love yourself and improve your self-esteem

Love yourselfSelf-love helps a person gain confidence in their own abilities and achieve their goals. It sounds simple enough, but in fact, few people manage to truly accept and love themselves. We tell you how to do this. Since childhood, many of us have heard from parents: helping others is good and right, you need to think about yourself in last turn. On the one hand, love for one’s neighbor is fine, but on the other hand, why should concern for one’s own well-being take a back seat? The other extreme – narcissism-is also not the best choice. However, self-love means accepting yourself as a person and has nothing to do with narcissism. If you are used to saying and thinking: “I am a failure, ugly, uneducated”, etc. it is time to stop this flow of self-criticism and learn to accept yourself as you are, that is, to love yourself without conventions.

Step 1. Take care of your inner child

There is a theory that inside each of us there is a child who periodically needs to be pampered, and then you will feel good. How can I do this? If you have children, remember how you care for them, what words you say when they need support. Maybe you are stroking your children’s heads, hugging them, telling them that they will succeed.

Now apply the same thing to yourself. For example, to get a hug, hug your husband, wife, mother, friend, or father. There are other ways to provide touch and bodily pleasure to your inner child: massage, going to the bath or sauna, yoga classes. Also, do not forget to address yourself affectionately: not “idiot”, but “Sunny” and “clever”. If your inner child is happy, you will feel much better.

Step 2. Get rid of things you don’t like

Your mother-in-law gave you a blouse, and you look 10 years older in it. Unpleasant, of course…. But you wear this thing so as not to upset a caring woman. So do many in an attempt not to hurt the feelings of others. But this position is fundamentally wrong! Put the blouse away and dress so that you feel comfortable and confident – and you will like your reflection in the mirror, which will help you love yourself.

The same goes for any other things that bring you negative emotions. Annoying kitchen table that is constantly breaking down? Throw it away and forget about it. After all, the space around you and your personal belongings reflect your “I”, affect your mood and self-perception. And external the procedure helps to maintain domestic harmony, keep this in mind.

Step 3. Take care of your health

We usually have time for everything but health. If you want to accept and love your body, take care of it! For example, when you want to do Pilates or aquaerobics, do it and your body will thank you. Think about how you could still take care of yourself. Have you been planning to sign up for a dental cleaning for a long time, but you couldn’t find the time to do it? Call your dentist right now. Healthy and beautiful teeth will add to your self-confidence.

You are not satisfied with the figure? Formulate the problem in a different way: “Excess weight harms my health, I must help my body to find harmony.” After that, take action: gradually change your diet, go to the gym, go for a run – all this is necessary in order for you to be healthy and, accordingly, beautiful.

Step 4. Ideals-from the pedestal!

When every day in magazines and social networks we see beautiful people with model looks, it is difficult not to envy and sigh: “Where do I get to them…” However, most of the pictures that are full of Internet-quality work of a makeup artist, stylist, photographer. And don’t forget about photoshop – thanks to this program, the model on the cover of the magazine has perfectly clean skin and sky-blue eyes. Be equal only to yourself and try to be better than yesterday, and you will be happy.

Step 5. Keep a diary of your achievements

Write down in your diary what you can be proud of. For example, it can be a list like this:

Raised and raised beautiful children
I know how to cook delicious food, and I’m especially good at baking, which my family loves.
Got my license
This month, I lost 3 kg.

Try every month to record there and less global achievements that contribute to the growth of your self-esteem (visited a cosmetologist, read an interesting book on psychology, visited a hairdresser, heard a compliment from a colleague, etc.)

Reread the Wanderers from the diary as often as possible and repeat: “I’m good and I have something to be proud of.”

Source: Daria magazine

Categories: Psychology

Languages: English

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