Where does the information come from? No one knows for sure. Although scientists are sure of one thing: information tends to be stored in physical objects and substances, and then read from there. Some time ago, scientists conducted some experiments with water. Continue reading How information affects water. Experiments of scientists
How does the subtle energy affect the physical world? When a person performs a ritual or simply reads a spell, he begins to interact with the world of subtle energies and matter. Even if he does not feel this interaction, it is still there. We all know that there is nothing in this world that happens by itself. Continue reading How does the subtle energy interact with the physical world
Magical energy permeates the space. Even if you are not a professional magician, but still resort to magical methods of influencing the surrounding world, for example, conduct a certain ritual or read a magic spell, you still enter into a dense interaction with the world of subtle energies. Continue reading The magical energy. How to learn to influence the subtle world
We have a lot of information about the Sun and know that it is the closest star to the Earth; that it is larger than our planet in volume by one and a half million times; that thanks to the heat and light emitted by the Sun, life on Earth is possible. But despite these well-known facts, our main star is surrounded by certain oddities. Continue reading Strange behavior of the Sun. Not docking in science
The number of God-the Name of God-the DNA of man… what is the relationship? This article presents the irrefutable facts of the existence of God, after which to deny his existence will be a manifestation of stupid stubbornness and stupidity. What you read here can change your life forever, your views on the world, and perhaps revive a deeply buried conscience. Continue reading The number of God in the human DNA. Proof of God’s existence
If your skin appears some strange spots, it begins to redden, flake, it can be a sign of various diseases… not necessarily skin. You can contact a specialist who will prescribe a course of treatment, but you can try to use magic techniques to keep your skin clean. Continue reading Clean skin with magic. Ancient recipe
Historical inconsistencies are not immediately apparent, but if you start to think about it, then… Any student of a metallurgical course knows that first people learned to extract high-carbon metal from swamp ore, then low-carbon metal, and only then, by analogy, non-ferrous metal ore. Only after iron could copper and bronze appear. Continue reading Historical inconsistencies and falsifications. Where is the truth?
What is protective magic for? If a person’s protective field is weakened, then even with a strong internal energy that allows them to cope with the evil eye on their own, the evil eye or damage can stick to them. A person begins to get sick for some reason, and the doctors just throw up their hands, or his Affairs Continue reading Protective magic against the evil eye and damage