In order to find out your immediate future, it is not necessary to be able to guess on cards. You can just turn to the numbers. This simple method of guessing numbers will help you determine your future life path. Guided by the hints, you will be able to take Continue reading Simple fortune-telling on numbers. Look into your future
Despite the fact that the risk of coronavirus infectious diseases remains at a high level, the Portuguese authorities want to allow gambling establishments to operate on their territory. But in order to enter the casino, visitors are required to present a COVID-19 digital certificate at the entrance or show
a negative test, which must be done three days before visiting the institution. Continue reading Casino in Portugal: history and features
A pendulum for solving controversial issues. Sometimes it happens that a person seems to work a lot, and gets quite decent, but for some reason there is still not enough money. Life from paycheck to paycheck. Many people try to start their own business, but often fail due to external and negative internal circumstances. Continue reading A pendulum for a business person. Success Forecast
The people, the living beings, endowed with reason. This simple definition of human beings does not answer the question of what is the meaning of their existence on the planet. With every decade, there are more and more people on Earth. Cities grow, encasing the earth in an asphalt shell. Continue reading Who are these people? What are we doing on planet Earth?
The mirror in the house has always been shrouded in a kind of magical veil, mysterious power, mysticism, and this is not for nothing. From the point of view of modern esotericists, the mirror is a powerful energy repeater. Every day it absorbs the energy of everything that is reflected in it, and then returns it back. Continue reading Where is the best place to install a mirror in the house? Relay Mirror
With the help of a conspiracy, you can punish and ward off garden thieves. There are situations when the owner of a garden plot begins to suffer from the raids of such thieves. These, to put it mildly, freeloaders, sometimes like to eat other people’s berries, vegetables and fruits. High fences are not a hindrance to thieves. Continue reading How to use a conspiracy to protect a garden plot from thieves
Self-destruction is not just a term coined by psychologists, it is a kind of mental illness. Consciously, a person does not seem to feel anything, but for some reason, lately, no matter what he undertakes, everything ends in failure. He begins to feel bad physically, various destructive thoughts climb into his head, the mood is always depressed and life is no longer a joy.
Continue reading How to stop self-destruction. Tibetan Practice
Some people do not know how to save money at all, although they are very eager to do so. They can spend weeks or even months saving a certain amount for some expensive and necessary thing. But a short time passes and a person suddenly breaks down, buying something absolutely unnecessary for themselves.
Continue reading How to make a storage bag and perform the rite of accumulation