Strange behavior of the Sun. Not docking in science

Oddities Of The SunWe have a lot of information about the Sun and know that it is the closest star to the Earth; that it is larger than our planet in volume by one and a half million times; that thanks to the heat and light emitted by the Sun, life on Earth is possible. But despite these well-known facts, our main star is surrounded by certain oddities.
The sun sometimes behaves not only, let’s say – unconventionally, but sometimes its behavior completely reverses all the astronomical knowledge that we have acquired while studying at school.

No connections in mathematical calculations

From the point of view of modern science, the Sun perfectly “works” according to all the laws of physics, chemistry and astronomy. But if we take Newton’s formula, which can be used to calculate the gravitational force of space objects F=G (m1m2/R2), and then substitute it for the mass of the Sun, moon, and Earth, adding the distance between these celestial bodies, we get a rather strange discrepancy. The gravitational force between the Sun and the Moon when our satellite passes between the Earth and the Sun is twice as high as that between the Earth and the Moon.

As a result of such a powerful “gravity drop”, the Moon should continue its orbit around the Sun, and not around the Earth (at least, this is what Newton’s law says). Exactly the same situation occurs with other objects in the solar system, where Newton’s law also does not work.

All the heaviest planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, should be located closest to the Sun, and medium and small (by weight) such as Uranus and Neptune, on the contrary, should be the most distant from it. But we see a completely different picture.

Another interesting fact that can be mentioned when considering “solar oddities” is the following.

Several different researchers have calculated the distance to the Sun using the trigonometric function of the tangent and sine of the angle of incidence of the Sun’s rays on the surface of our planet, getting exactly the same results. It turned out that the distance to the Sun varies from 6000 to 10000 kilometers! At the same time, the diameter of the Sun is somewhere around 70-100 km. Such conclusions sound, at least, delusional, but… after all, these are mathematical calculations, and as they say – you can not trample on them.

And here’s another oddity. Regardless of the distance between the Sun and the various planets, their illumination is approximately the same. For example, from the Sun to mercury fifty-eight million kilometers, but to Saturn already one billion four hundred and twenty-nine million kilometers. The conclusion is obvious: if Saturn is so far from the Sun compared to mercury, why is it illuminated in approximately the same way as mercury? It seems that the planets farthest from the sun have exactly the same distance as the planets closest to It.

Visual oddities of the Sun

Our celestial body is similar to a bright light bulb, because it turns out that it can blink. On different continents, there were sharp light fluctuations emitted by the Sun, which was recorded on video by many witnesses of this unusual and striking phenomenon. But the Sun can not only flash like an electric lamp, it can just go out, which was also recorded (July 20, 2018 in Jamaica). The sun in broad daylight gradually began to decrease its brightness, until it was completely extinguished. It was dark for several hours, and then the sun “lit up” again and the sky cleared.

Also, in several places on our planet, video cameras recorded the Sun with a black hole or a dense spot in the middle. Sometimes this black hole completely absorbed the solar disk, but, nevertheless, it did not affect the brightness of the Sun in any way.

In the West, the possibility of creating an artificial sun has long been discussed. This project was launched back in the sixties of the last century and the Sun with a hole in the center is quite similar to the mirror glowing part of the pseudo sun in the experiments of scientists.

Another “glitch” of the Sun was identified by one of the researchers, who for several days recorded the passage of the sun across the sky before its sunset. It turns out that the Sun has an oval narrowed shape. Also, the Sun that came into the frame “walked” regardless of the consecrated place or light halo.

“Chipped Sun” of course can also be attributed to optical effects, because it is quite difficult to explain this phenomenon. But if you zoom in on the Sun, you can see that a piece is missing at the edge, as if someone has bitten into the sun’s disk.

Two suns in the sky at the same time is also an optical effect? One sun is brighter – the second is a little dimmer, as if it is a reflection of the first. But this is not always the case. Sometimes the brightness level of two suns becomes the same, and this can hardly be considered an optical illusion.

So it turns out that we know much less about the Sun than we think. Why is it sometimes “buggy” despite all scientific laws? And if you can explain all these solar oddities – write them in the comments.

The article is based on the video:–JUhax4g

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